Podcast #44 – Health, Wellness & Performance for Women

During this podcast, Coach Robb answers specific questions that were sent in from Snow Bike Girls’ founder Jackie Riess and the Snow Bike Girls community.  Although these questions are directed towards riding and racing motorcycles and snowbikes, the information is relevant to females of all sports.

Podcast #43 – Listener Case Studies

Here at the Coach Robb Podcast, we are always looking for ways to provide our listeners with information that resonates and specifically addresses their frustrations, needs, wants and desires, and provide specific steps to correct and/or eliminate them.

Podcast #42 – 20 Steps to Eliminate Weaknesses

Was Psychologist Abraham Maslow wrong when he created his Hierarchy of Needs?  When you look at the human race and our desire to reach our fullest potential (financially, professionally, personally and athletically) we have the flow pattern completely upside down – Maslow was correct!

Podcast #41 – How to Plan Your Success in 2020!

As 2019 comes to a close, stop and ask yourself “What has been my biggest frustration(s) of 2019?” Are they the same ones that you had in 2018 or even 2017? During podcast #41, Coach Robb shares his four-step process to identify, isolate, address, and eliminate the specific frustrations you experienced in 2019. This unique four-step process will provide you a road map to immediate progress and move you closer to achieving your fullest potential as an individual and/or athlete.

Podcast #40 – Listener Case Studies

As a new feature (or format), we take a deep dive into specific case studies of our listeners once a quarter.

Podcast #39 – 7 Habits Necessary to Thrive NOT Survive

During this podcast, Coach Robb discusses the difference between simply surviving from day-to-day and thriving on a daily basis for maximum productivity and happiness.

Podcast #38 – The Power of Knowledge and Understanding the Why?

During this podcast, Coach Robb addresses a listener’s email regarding an elite tennis coach who actually advocates fast food for his athletes and provides insight into why the statement is not only absurd, but is both unhealthy and dangerous for athletes and non-athletes alike. 

Podcast #37 – The Fine Line Between Achievement & Self Sacrifice

During this podcast, Coach Robb outlines how the body and the brain go round after round fighting to achieve the delicate balance of health and performance.